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Regisztráció: 6444. kör    Utolsó belépés: 7040. kör    Pénz: 16 820 aranycsont
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Kutyák (294)


Bemutatkozó szöveg

A nevem Lili és sok éve vagyok már jelen az ebnevelde oldalon, a főtevékenységem a virtuális kutyatenyésztés. 2010 körül csatlakoztam az ETSZ-be (Ebnevelde Tenyésztőinek Szövetsége), majd pár év múlva megtaláltam végleges helyemet az EKC (Ebnevelde Kennel Club) tagjai között, ahol jelenleg vezetőségi tag vagyok. Ha érdekel a tenyésztés és te is szeretnél közénk csatlakozni akkor írj az EKC Vezetőség felhasználónkra.

Ez a felhasználó egy "gyűjtőfelhasználó" ahova a 0.generációs (aranycsontból vett) kutyáimat gyűjtöm. Kenneljeimet az alábbi linkre kattintva megtekinthetitek.

Ide a Bajnok kennel felhasználómra szánt fajtákat hozom:
¤ azawakh ¤
¤ ibizai kopó ¤
¤ magyar agár ¤
¤ whippet ¤

☙ Azawakh ❧

- Balaram
- Celio
- Vladan
- Lukyan
- Ishkur
- Tyrone
- Moisés

- Netan
- Gunvald
- Sjors
- Damir
- Innocenzo
- I Beg to Differ
- Hanging Out
- End of Me
- One Less Problem
- Before God Finds Me

- Peace of Mind
- Chemical Kids
- Currents Convulsive
- Yeah Boy
- Be Famous
- Falling Asleep
- Sing in the Morning
- Balcony Scene
- Why Men Buy Them
- Beat It

- Selfish Machines
- Besitos
- Boy Who Could Fly
- Fast Time
- New National Anthem
- Bulletproof Love
- Stay Away
- Disasterology
- Million Dollar
- Sky Under the Sea

- Pokito
- Nogales
- Semdy
- Oraibi
- Mererid
- Malle
- Herenui

- Adaeze
- Nida
- Herenui
- Adaeze
- Cyra
- Micaela
- Tamya
- Rabab
- Kristina
- Doll Face

- Kissing in Cars
- Caraphernelia
- Mechanical Brides
- Collide with the Sky
- Sleep Tonight
- Match into Water
- Bulls in the Bronx
- Great Escape
- You Need a Jacket
- First Punch

- Sleepless Nights
- Colorful Tears
- Hold on Till May
- Misadventures
- Dive In
- Phantom Power
- I Saw the World
- Sambuka
- Song for Isabelle
- Jaws of Life

☙ Ibizai kopó ❧

- Jaromír
- Ennius
- Yishmeray
- Adegoke
- Feroze
- Batbayar

- Volodi
- Tashi
- Fulvio
- Geordie
- Humberto
- Emergency Contact
- Flawless Execution
- Save the Empire
- Resilience
- Irrational Fears

- Shared Trauma
- So Far So Fake
- 12 Fractures
- Take to the Skies
- Stand Your Ground
- Next Half Hour
- Interlude 1
- Go Down in History
- Return to Energiser
- Adieu

- Time for Plan B
- Reprise One
- Common Dreads
- Solidarity
- Gap in the Fence
- Havoc B
- Meltdown
- Search Party
- Pack of Thieves
- Meet Tyrannicide

- Capy
- Sadye
- Saffire
- Onyeka
- Avice
- Britney
- Kizzy
- Mariyka
- Sibylla
- Ibtihaj

- Parvati
- Iria
- Roseann
- Mindsweep
- One True Colour
- Last Garrison
- Myopia
- Torn Apart
- Bank of England
- Price on Your Head

- Future Historians
- Slipshod
- Paddington Frisk
- Rat Race
- Live Outside
- Take My Country Back
- Airfield
- Rabble Rouser
- Undercover Agents
- Revolt of the Atoms

- Lost Jigsaw Pieces
- Redshift
- Supercharge
- Crossing the Rubicon
- Face of the Earth
- Elegy for Extinction
- Marionettes
- Discovery of Strings
- Kiss for the World
- The Spark

☙ Magyar agár ❧

- Leucippus
- Haruki
- Yonaguska
- Athanaric
- Taavi
- Patrizio

- Tobiasz
- Onur
- Cellachán
- Eutychius
- Ebrar
- Ganizani
- Camillus
- Mattin
- Achaikos
- Jayesh

- Urbano
- Lohan
- Ashwin
- Agatho
- Power Metal
- Rock the World
- Death Trap
- System of a Down
- Toxicity
- Prison Song

- Jet Pilot
- Steal This Album
- Highway Song
- Ego Brain
- Thetawaves
- Streamline
- Mezmerize
- Soldier Side
- Sad Statue
- Old School Hollywood

- Maitland
- Ardath
- Malina
- Yolotl
- Antonina
- Sotiroula

- Theude
- Jaya
- Slavica
- Suzana
- Dinaran
- Shantin
- Mojdeh
- Arevig
- Asya
- Brighid

- Asabe
- Avianna
- Wilburh
- Proud to Be Loud
- No Sssweat
- Deer Dancer
- Lost in Hollywood
- Stealing Society
- Holy Mountains
- Lonely Day

- See a Little Light
- Band in DC
- Sound City
- Hard Luck
- Montage of Heck
- Desert Age
- Industrial Accident
- Story of Wax Trax
- West Wing
- Studio 666

☙ Whippet ❧

- Vladimeru
- Sergius
- Pilypas
- Cebrián
- Leigong
- Chuk
- Medrod

- Hauke
- Gerolamo
- Ted Face the Music
- Sesame Street
- Bedtime Story
- The X-Files
- Space Ghost
- Coast to Coast
- Drunk History
- High Fructose

- Annoying Orange
- Chelsea Lately
- Sonic Highways
- Off Camera
- Muppets
- From Cradle to Stage
- Hot Ones
- We Know Is Falling
- Never Let This Go
- Conspiracy

- This Circle
- For a Pessimist
- Pretty Optimistic
- What You Get
- Misery Business
- Hallelujah
- When It Rains
- Let the Flames Begin
- Crushcrushcrush
- We Are Broken

- Halimah
- Larissa
- Stephany
- Ejiro
- Verica
- Ivone
- Thokozani

- Ankita
- Louisa
- Born for This
- Brand New Eyes
- Playing God
- Boring Brick
- Turn It Off
- Only Exception
- Feeling Sorry
- Looking Up

- Lines Overlap
- Misguided Ghosts
- All I Wanted
- Fast in My Car
- Last Hope
- Still Into You
- Anklebiters
- See Your Heart Break
- One of Those
- Crazy Girls

- Not Angry Anymore
- Escape Route
- Native Tongue
- After Laughter
- Hard Times
- Told You So
- Fake Happy
- Caught in the Middle
- Idle Worship
- Tell Me How